Coaching research at Tectum


Coaching research at Tectum

New books on coaching research at Tectum

The new publication series “Consulting, Organisation and Coaching” is launched. In addition, two more books from Tectum Verlag’s coaching research are on the shortlist of the German Association for Coaching and Training.

The new book series is dedicated to the topic of innovation in process-oriented guidance. It presents the best and award-winning final theses of the Master’s degree in “Beratung, Organisationsentwicklung und Coaching” at Kempten University of Applied Sciences.
An anthology is also published annually on the “Illertisser Schloss-Dialog – Zukunft der Beratung”. The aim is to publish innovative contributions by young authors on the development of the theory and practice of guidance. Great importance is attached to the topicality of the topics as well as their soundness.

The series starts with Volume 1 “Vielfalt coachen – Multikulturell, interkulturell, transkulturell” by Iris Pöll. Volume 2 and Volume 3 offer the topics “Entwicklung eines neuropsychologisch fundierten Coaching-Konzeptes für persönliche Veränderungsprozesse” and “Intuition und transrationales Denken aus integraler Perspektive”.

Tectum Verlag is also strengthening its portfolio in the field of coaching with publications such as “Frauen, Stress und Digitalisierung 4.0” by Dr Tanja Steinberger and Anna Wilde or “Geduld als Ressource” by Dr Bettina Siebert-Blaesing, thus providing tools for health prevention and stress management and recommendations for health promotion in (social) educational coaching. Both publications have been placed on the shortlist “dvct – Coaching- und Trainingsbuch des Jahres” of the German Association for Coaching and Training.

“Coaching research is very much alive, becoming more and more professional and scientific. Tectum Verlag, as a publishing partner, accompanies this process journalistically and offers a platform to this still quite young field of research,” explains editor Sarah Bellersheim.