Pedagogical works form an important part of Tectum Verlag’s social science programme. The monographs, anthologies and dissertations published here focus on the education and upbringing of children and adults at school, in the workplace and in the digital space.
Tectum also focuses on art and theatre pedagogy in the pedagogy programme area. The KONTEXT Kunst – Vermittlung – Kulturelle Bildung series, edited by Prof. Dr Jutta Ströter-Bender, highlights current trends in art and cultural education from the fields of art, culture, cultural heritage and cultural diversity with concrete suggestions for theoretical and practical art education.

Publication Series
KONTEXT Kunst – Vermittlung – Kulturelle Bildung
Edited by Prof. Dr. Jutta Ströter-Bender
Articles on art and culturally responsive paedagogy from the education and research lab, Kunstvermittlung und kulturelles Erbe (University of Paderborn). Basic concepts are supplemented by introductions to lesser-known subject areas, which educators are encouraged to integrate into their lesson plan. Concrete suggestions, tips and tricks on how to incorporate art, culture, heritage and cultural diversity into lessons is useful for educators in related sectors and educators from other subject areas alike.
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Wissenschaftliche Beiträge aus dem Tectum Verlag: Pädagogik
Edited by Tectum Verlag
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Young Academics: Pädagogik
Edited by Tectum Verlag
The series publishes outstanding theses that deal with pedagogy in the narrower sense, as well as theses from the fields of early childhood education, youth and adult education with interfaces to educational science, social pedagogy and educational science.In addition to the history, theory and practice of knowledge transfer, the authors deal with pedagogical methods, knowledge management and the organization of education and also address current challenges, such as the digitalization of the education sector, peace education and inclusion education. Published by Tectum Verlag, the series offers a platform specifically for young academics and enables teacher training, bachelor’s and master’s students to actively participate in academic discourse.
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