Subject area Literary Studies

Subject area

Tectum publishes books, series and academic articles in German, English and Romance literary studies. One of our most ambitious publication projects is the series LITERATUR KOMPAKT, edited by Prof. Dr. Gunter E. Grimm. The literature guide offers compact information on central authors of German-language literature – life, work, significance, reception – in a visually attractive way for studies, schools and literature enthusiasts.

Publication Series

Armands Werke. Marburger Ausgabe
Published by Tectum Verlag

To the series
Darmstädter Arbeiten zur Literaturwissenschaft und Philosophie
Edited by Prof. Dr Matthias Luserke-Jaqui and Prof. Dr Gerhard Gamm

In addition to outstanding student theses (master’s or state examination theses, dissertations), the Darmstädter Arbeiten zur Literaturwissenschaft und Philosophie also contain conference reports, documentation and dissertations.

To the series
Dynamiken der Vermittlung: Koblenzer Studien zur Germanistik
Edited by Prof. Dr Uta Schaffers, Prof. Dr Pamela Steen, Prof. Dr Eva L. Wyss, apl. Prof. Dr Hajo Diekmannshenke, Prof. Dr Wolf-Andreas Liebert, Prof. Dr Dr Stefan Neuhaus

The concept of the series responds to the multiplication of ways of life which, in the context of progressive differentiation, medialization and globalization, has led to a profound change in social conditions and places new demands on the subject of German studies.

The aim of the interdisciplinary series is to reflect on the evolving forms and mediation processes of language and literature in their dynamics of mediation, also and especially in the mass media, from the perspective of German studies with a cultural studies orientation.

To the series
Literatur – Kultur – Text
Kleine Schriften zur Literaturwissenschaft

Edited by Prof. Dr phil. Axel Dunker

This series of smaller works by younger literary scholars provides exemplary contributions to the cultural-scientific contextualisation of literary studies and at the same time offers a forum for publishing the research results of excellent university theses.

The theoretical horizon of the works in this series is open: it ranges from discourse analysis to aspects of postcolonial and gender studies to attempts to combine hermeneutic with post-structuralist approaches.

To the series
Literatur und Medien
Edited by Prof. Dr Volker Wehdeking, Prof. Dr Christof Hamann, Prof. Dr Gunter E. Grimm and Prof. Dr Rolf Parr

The combination of literary studies and media studies issues is currently of rapidly increasing relevance. Particularly outstanding theses from the Stuttgart Media University (HdM) and the University of Duisburg-Essen combine research on international contemporary literature with aspects of intermediality and media change.

To the series
Nova Classica
Marburger Fundus für Studium und Forschung in der Altertumswissenschaft

Edited by Magnus Frisch, Rainer Nickel, Felix M. Prokoph und Kai Ruffing. Co-Founded by Boris Dunsch (†)

The aim of the Nova Classica series is to make central but poorly accessible titles from classical studies accessible again through reprints and – if possible – revised new editions.

To the series
Studien zu Literatur und Film der Gegenwart
Edited by Prof. Dr Stefan Neuhaus

The series focuses on what is closest to us today – contemporary literature and film. It includes not only works considered particularly artistic, but also popular reading and film material, texts and films aimed at suspense and entertainment. The films and texts discussed by the works in the series are considered relevant to contemporary literature and film, and thus also to the society and times in which they were created and received.

We wholeheartedly welcome unsolicited manuscripts and book proposals.

To the series
A Tectum Publication: English Language and Literature
Published by Tectum Verlag

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A Tectum Publication: German Language and Literature
Published by Tectum Verlag

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A Tectum Publication: Literary Studies
Published by Tectum Verlag

To the series
A Tectum Publication: Linguistics
Published by Tectum Verlag

To the series
Young Academics: German language and literature

Published by Tectum Verlag

The publications in this series explore, document and communicate language and literature in all its past and present forms. It contains outstanding bachelor’s and master’s theses from the fields of literary studies, linguistics and medieval studies, which deal with language levels and literatures of the Middle Ages and early modern period. The authors analyse the German language and deal with literary texts and communication in general. Using specific methodologies, works from different periods and styles are analysed, for example in relation to cultural and literary issues.

To the series

Young Academics: Literary Studies

Published by Tectum Verlag

This series offers young literary researchers a platform for active participation in academic discourse. It publishes outstanding Bachelor’s and Master’s theses. The focus is on topics such as society, politics and culture, which are examined from a literary-historical, critical and theoretical perspective. The authors analyze literary processes and deal with the respective writers and genres.

To the series

Young Academics: Linguistics

Published by Tectum Verlag

How is language created and how does it change or develop? The series publishes outstanding theses that deal with these questions. The series focuses on the structures, methods and functions of language. The authors deal with the application, development and meaning systems, among other things. In addition to the central components of linguistics such as phonetics, morphology and syntax, various key topics such as historical linguistics, language criticism and communication analysis are addressed.

The series offers a platform especially for young academics and enables Bachelor’s and Master’s students to actively participate in academic discourse.

To the series