Political Science
The political science programme of Tectum Verlag publishes outstanding dissertations, edited volumes and theses from all sub-disciplines of political science – from political theory and government to international relations and European politics. Our academic publication series vouch for quality and innovative topics in political science and enable young scholars to publish quickly.

Publication Series
Die Brost-Bibliothek. Impulse aus dem Ruhrgebiet
East Asian Politics: Regional and Global Dynamics
Politik begreifen: Schriften zu theoretischen und empirischen Problemen der Politikwissenschaft
Studienreihe der Forschungsgruppen des Kölner Forums für Internationale Beziehungen und Sicherheitspolitik e. V. (KFIBS)
A Tectum Publication: Political Science
Young Academics: European Integration and Legal Studies
Young Academics: EU Studies
Edited by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wessels and Prof. Dr. Christian Lequesne
The series of publications Young Academics: EU Studies, edited by Prof. Dr Christian Lequesne and Prof. Dr Wolfgang Wessels, offers a comprehensive examination of the European Union from an interdisciplinary perspective, aiming to provide fresh insights into the EU and a deeper understanding of it. Through interdisciplinary research and scholarly excellence, the series serves as a platform for young academics to contribute to the field and explores various themes, such as EU governance, policies, law, the economy, social dynamics, and the impact of EU integration on member states and third countries. Shaped by a strong theoretical and methodological focus, the research encompasses holistic analysis that combines empirical investigations, theoretical frameworks and critical evaluations.
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Young Academics: Political Science
Published by Tectum Verlag, the Young Academics series provides young authors the opportunity to contribute their research to scholarly discourse and gain visibility within the wider research community.
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