Political Science

The political science programme of Tectum Verlag publishes outstanding dissertations, edited volumes and theses from all sub-disciplines of political science – from political theory and government to international relations and European politics. Our academic publication series vouch for quality and innovative topics in political science and enable young scholars to publish quickly.

Publication Series

Die Brost-Bibliothek. Impulse aus dem Ruhrgebiet
Edited by Prof. Bodo Hombach in his function as President of the Brost-Akademie

The Brost Academy aims to be a source of impulses for the Ruhr region and beyond. In its projects, events and publications, it brings together people who set new trends with innovative ideas and creative solutions and develop an impact beyond the region. The Brost-Bibliothek makes the best of these available to a broad public.

The series features renowned academics, journalists and publicists whose contributions are dedicated to current social, political and cultural issues that are particularly relevant to the Ruhr region but are also discussed nationally and internationally. In doing so, the authors trace the underlying challenges and develop solution-oriented recommendations for action, for the Ruhr region and beyond.

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East Asian Politics: Regional and Global Dynamics
Edited by Prof. Dr Dr Nele Noesselt

The book series publishes cutting-edge research on dynamic changes in and recent development trends of East Asian politics. The series follows a multilevel framework of analysis: It examines the impact of global power shifts and the transformation of the international system on (domestic) politics in East Asia.

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Politik begreifen: Schriften zu theoretischen und empirischen Problemen der Politikwissenschaft
Edited by Prof. Dr. Volker Kunz†, Dr. Annette Schmitt and Prof. Dr. Johannes Marx

The series presents research papers that deal with empirical and normative problems of political science in a theoretically and methodologically reflective way.

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Studienreihe der Forschungsgruppen des Kölner Forums für Internationale Beziehungen und Sicherheitspolitik e. V. (KFIBS)
Published by KFIBS – Kölner Forum für Internationale Beziehungen und Sicherheitspolitik e. V., represented by Dr. phil. Sascha Arnautović, Chairman of the Association.

The study series comprises scholarly outputs arising directly from the KFIBS research groups, which are to be made accessible to a broad public. The studies contained in this series are both scientifically oriented and designed as policy advisory studies (and thus practice-oriented). The unique selling point of the study series is the exclusive inclusion of authors from young academics in the humanities and social sciences, who are to be given their own (critical) voice in the German academic world through this KFIBS publication series.

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A Tectum Publication: Political Science
Published by Tectum Verlag

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Young Academics: European Integration and Legal Studies
Edited by Prof. Dr. Markus Kotzur and Prof. Dr. Hinrich Julius

Introducing Young Academics: European Integration and Legal Studies, a collection of outstanding master’s theses and additional contributions from pre-doctoral scholars in European Studies and European Legal Studies. Delve into the ongoing project of European Integration from varied disciplinary angles, with concise yet insightful works that offer fresh perspectives and rigorous analysis. This series illuminates the intellectual prowess of emerging academics, making it a valuable resource for students, researchers, and practitioners seeking a comprehensive understanding of this vital subject. Join us on an academic journey that amplifies the voices of future scholars, providing in-depth insights into the multifaceted realm of European Integration research.

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Young Academics: EU Studies

Edited by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wessels and Prof. Dr. Christian Lequesne
The series of publications Young Academics: EU Studies, edited by Prof. Dr Christian Lequesne and Prof. Dr Wolfgang Wessels, offers a comprehensive examination of the European Union from an interdisciplinary perspective, aiming to provide fresh insights into the EU and a deeper understanding of it. Through interdisciplinary research and scholarly excellence, the series serves as a platform for young academics to contribute to the field and explores various themes, such as EU governance, policies, law, the economy, social dynamics, and the impact of EU integration on member states and third countries. Shaped by a strong theoretical and methodological focus, the research encompasses holistic analysis that combines empirical investigations, theoretical frameworks and critical evaluations.

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Young Academics: Political Science
The series includes outstanding theses from all sub-disciplines of political science – from political theory and the history of ideas to (comparative) government and international relations. Another focus is European politics.

Published by Tectum Verlag, the Young Academics series provides young authors the opportunity to contribute their research to scholarly discourse and gain visibility within the wider research community.

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